Catching the Tooth Fairy

We have had trouble with the Tooth Fairy in the past.

Apparently Marcus (7) set out to prove to everyone that the Tooth Fairy is not real. I only found out about this the other day when he proudly exclaimed, "Mom, I know the Tooth Fairy is not real."

"Oh really?" I replied. "Why is that?"

Marcus said, "Because I did an experiment. I lost a tooth a few weeks ago and I didn't tell you or Dad about it. I wanted to see if the Tooth Fairy would really come without you knowing about it."

"Well that's too bad," I said. "I bet you didn't get any money under your pillow, huh?"

Marcus shook his head, thrilled because he thought he had caught us.

I continued, "I bet that Tooth Fairy stood outside all night. We have to be the ones to let her in the house, you know. Especially with the alarm system set. What a bummer!"

"Hmmm..." is all he said.


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