Lessons from 2009

I think it is good to be reflective and figure out the things we learn in life. Although these are somewhat personal, I thought I'd share my "list" of the things I learned during 2009.

1. You can't change people. This is one of the greatest lessons I learned this year. For some reason I thought I could give people feedback or do things to make them change. I FINALLY learned that the only person I can ever change is me.

2. Money and things do not buy happiness. I tried to remodel my home during a period of emotional strife. I was looking for happiness. Although I love my new paint, carpet, etc., I realized how truly empty that stuff is. It did not make me any happier. Happiness comes from within.

3. Having a good renter is worth it's weight in gold. Sheesh! Maybe I should re-word that -- Having a renter that actually pays rent, doesn't sublease your house to drug dealers, and doesn't have dogs that tear up your house and yard... is awesome!

4. There really are good people in this world. Some of them include -- our home teacher/Bishop (Thanks for everything this year, Ray!), my next-door neighbor/second mother to my kids (Donni, you are awesome!), and true friends who stand by you through thick and thin even though you are riddled with weaknesses.

5. My sister and sister-in-laws are some of my very best friends. Sarah, Alicia, Brenda, Tami, Karyn, and Candalyn, I love you dearly.

6. Your mom will always be your mom. Thanks Mom, for putting up with me! I love you so much!!

7. We all have weaknesses and trials. Every. Single. One of us. Even that perfect looking family in Sacrament Meeting needs the Atonement just as much as you do.

8. My kids will be out of the house before I know it. I have to relish this time with them. It hit me this summer that I only have five summers left with Tyler until he leaves on a mission. Crazy!

9. My husband is an amazing man. I always knew this, but this year I've seen things in him that make me love him even more. I love you, Matt!

10. The Lord gives us challenges to make us stronger. I've always known this, too, but I've really felt it this year. I love that we are on this earth to continually change and become better and better.

I am looking forward to 2010 and new things to learn! Happy New Year!!


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