Movies, Popcorn and Barf

On New Years Day, Matt and I took the kids to a movie. It reminded me of a funny thing that happened at a theater once a few years ago.

We went to see The Chronicles of Narnia at Jordan Commons. I left the theater to buy some popcorn during the previews. In the hallway area, they had a small concession stand. I handed the girl my money and asked for a large popcorn, which she filled and set down on the counter. The second the popcorn hit the counter, she turned to the side and just started hacking and vomiting EVERYWHERE. (Wouldn't you think that with huge popcorn containers sitting there, that you would grab a bucket or something? Maybe I'm the only one who thinks of things like that.) Anyway, I said, "Let me get you some help." I immediately went over to the ticket-taker and said, "The girl at that concession stand is barfing everywhere." He looked flustered and told me he'd get some help, but then looked at the line up of people getting ready to hand him their tickets. I sensed his dilemma and said, "Do you want me to take tickets?" He said, "Yes," and ran off.

For the first time in my life, I got to be the movie ticket taker. I gently tore the tickets, just like he was doing. I couldn't tell people which theater to go in, because I had no clue, but I did tear their tickets and give them a friendly smile.

Several minutes later he came back and thanked me for my service. I only had one problem... I didn't have my popcorn.

Psychologically I couldn't go back to the same concession stand, so I went to a different one. I explained to the guy that I'd already paid for popcorn, the girl barfed, I played ticket taker, yada yada yada. AFTER TALKING TO A MANAGER, he finally he gave me my popcorn and I went into the theater. When I got back in, all the previews had finished and the movie had already started. Matt asked, "What took you so long?" I turned to him and whispered, "Well, the popcorn girl threw up and then I had to take tickets and then I had to wait for manager approval to get my popcorn." He seriously didn't believe me until the movie ended and I gave him all the details. Then we had a good chuckle.


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