Strangers and Snowblowers

On Christmas Eve day I decided to undertake a task that was a risky play. I decided to purchase my husband a snow blower for Christmas.

"Are you crazy?" you may be asking. Well, yes, yes I am crazy, so now that we have that out of the way, let me tell you how I made the decision which snow blower to purchase.

First of all, our old snow blower has not worked for over three years. Last year Matt took it to the repair shop and was told it was a $200 repair. Not good for a snow blower that is only worth $300. Secondly, it is a wimpy little thing. If we get more than a few inches, it would be pretty worthless. (It is especially worthless when it is sitting in the garage, not able to run.)

Poor Matt... every winter his back seems to go out. I can't decide if it is the cold weather, or because basketball season starts and he thinks he is 17 again and then injures it. Probably the latter. Anyway, this man really needs a snow blower because shoveling is about the worst thing you can do for two herniated disks in your lower back.

Now that you have all that background...

I proceed to call a few of my male neighbors, asking for their opinions on snow blowers. I find out what an auger is, what a single vs. double stage snow blower does, and what electric start means. Then I get in the car...

I decide to head to Sears. I figure he can always take it back if he doesn't like it and I figure Sears is open at noon on Christmas Eve.

On my way to the store I was at a stoplight and noticed a red truck about three cars in front of me. The back of the truck says, "Snow removal -- 555-5555." (I can't remember the real phone number.) Anyway, I figure, "Hey, here's one more opinion from an apparent expert." I pick up my phone and dial and a stranger named Steve answered. The conversation went something like this:

Steve: Hello, this is Steve.
Me: Hi Steve, I understand you do snow removal.
Steve: Well yes I do!
Me: That's great. Hey, I am a few cars back from you and I am headed to Sears to purchase my husband a snow blower for Christmas. I thought I'd call and see if you have any pointers for me on the type I should be buying.
Steve: (Completely unfazed by the fact that a stranger, a few cars back, is asking such a random question.) Well, you definitely want one with four ____ pins. (The blank is there, not because he said a swear word, but because I can't remember what the name of the pins are.)

Steve then rambled on for a few minutes. I listened only half-heartedly. He didn't seem to really know much about snow blowers. He probably has one of those huge snow plows. When he was done I said thanks and hung up.

Then I went to Sears.

After I listened to the salesman and figured out the kind of snow blower I wanted, a complete stranger came up to me and said, "Okay, so you need to run across the street to Lowes and check those out. I just bought one a few weeks ago and they have a better one for less money." Then he promised me he did not work for Lowes.

How nice! So, I ran over to Lowes and bought my snow blower there.

Thank you, strange men (Steve and Man-at-Sears-who-bought-a-snow blower-a-few-weeks-ago), for helping me on Christmas Eve.


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