Funny Little Boys

The other night Caleb (5) was playing with one of Marcus' (7) toys. Marcus was hollering at him to hand it over. We told Caleb that he couldn't play with it unless he had asked first.

He sweetly said, "Marcus, can I play with your toy?"

Marcus yelled, "NO!"

Caleb replied, "Well, I'll take that as a Yes."

What a funny kid! Of course we made him give it back to Marcus and he was not happy about it.

Last week it was Marcus' turn for Family Home Evening. He prepared the lesson all by himself, which I believe was a little bit impromptu. When he was reminded that he had the lesson, he jumped off his chair and ran into Caleb's room. He came out holding something behind his back and began his lesson with:

"We all want to make good choices. We should obey and do what we're supposed to so we can live with..." (Then he swings the arm that was behind his back around and shows us Caleb's Christus statue.)

"This guy."

Hmmm... not sure how I feel about referring to Christ as "this guy," but at least he has the right idea.


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