My Baby Turned 5!
I have cried over the past few months, every time I think about my baby turning 5. Funny enough, his birthday came and went and now I don't cry anymore. I guess it doesn't feel that different now that he is officially 5. If I think about taking him to kindergarten next year, that is another story!
Caleb was with me through an interesting journey. During his pregnancy I had some mini strokes and was taken to the emergency room for loss of speech and numbness. Through many tests, they found that I had a hole in my heart and needed a PFO closure with heart surgery. Matt was a little freaked out, but other than worrying about my 5-month-old fetus, I was fine. They monitored Caleb through the anesthesia, just as they monitored me. Everything went just fine, but I still worried that the medications and stuff would affect him. It truly was a bonding moment for us, as we lay in the hosital, recovering from surgery.
On the day Caleb was born, we were so happy that he was a healthy baby. We didn't have a name picked out for him until the second day in the hospital, and even then, "Caleb" had never even been on our name list. (We thought he was a Riley up until his birth.)
I really enjoy the "little kid" stage. That means from age 2-5. It really is my favorite. I would LOVE to be the nursery leader at church right now. I think part of the reason is that I like to remember my kids at those ages. They are so innocent and sweet. I feel like the time flew by and it makes my head spin. Having my baby turn 5 really is the end of an era in our family. It feels very strange, and kind of sad.
Caleb was with me through an interesting journey. During his pregnancy I had some mini strokes and was taken to the emergency room for loss of speech and numbness. Through many tests, they found that I had a hole in my heart and needed a PFO closure with heart surgery. Matt was a little freaked out, but other than worrying about my 5-month-old fetus, I was fine. They monitored Caleb through the anesthesia, just as they monitored me. Everything went just fine, but I still worried that the medications and stuff would affect him. It truly was a bonding moment for us, as we lay in the hosital, recovering from surgery.
On the day Caleb was born, we were so happy that he was a healthy baby. We didn't have a name picked out for him until the second day in the hospital, and even then, "Caleb" had never even been on our name list. (We thought he was a Riley up until his birth.)
I really enjoy the "little kid" stage. That means from age 2-5. It really is my favorite. I would LOVE to be the nursery leader at church right now. I think part of the reason is that I like to remember my kids at those ages. They are so innocent and sweet. I feel like the time flew by and it makes my head spin. Having my baby turn 5 really is the end of an era in our family. It feels very strange, and kind of sad.
One of my favorite parts of the day is when Caleb first wakes up. No matter what, he comes to find me, holding his "Junior." (A green, Junior Mints blanket.) He climbs on my lap and gives me a giant hug. I say, "How did you sleep?" He always says, "Good." We snuggle for a few minutes before we go back to our daily routine. He is definitely my best snuggler. What a great gift to have in your youngest, eh?
Caleb is such a funny boy. I took his sense of humor for granted until we stayed with our friends in San Diego. They would laugh at his antics and couldn't believe what a crack-up he was. Caleb is such a fun-loving, goofy kid.
About a year after Marcus was born, we knew we had a fourth child waiting to come to our family. Matt and I figured that if there was another one waiting, we may as well get them here now. We definitely were not ready for another child yet, and Caleb's babyhood was the hardest time of my life. I had two older kids, who were involved in things, a very energetic toddler (he was 2), and this new baby. Truly, Matt and I thought we were going to go insane. (That's how we knew we had reached our capacity. :)) As the boys have gotten older, though, I am so grateful that they are close in age. They are the best of friends.
For the few weeks before Caleb's birthday he would say, "Mom, am I really going to be turning 5?" He really couldn't believe it. Even the day after his birthday, he climbed in bed with me and said, "Mom, am I really 5?" When I confirmed it, he said, "No really. Am I REALLY 5?"
For the few weeks before Caleb's birthday he would say, "Mom, am I really going to be turning 5?" He really couldn't believe it. Even the day after his birthday, he climbed in bed with me and said, "Mom, am I really 5?" When I confirmed it, he said, "No really. Am I REALLY 5?"
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