Junior High and the Dead Turtle

I just took my son to junior high registration today. It is totally freaking me out that I have a kid this old!

It was fun because Tyler is going to the same junior high school that I went to. When we got his class schedule, he has the same science teacher that I had, so we walked to Mr. Spring's classroom to say, "Hi."

Mr. Spring remembered me... not because I was a fabulous student... not because I would bring him his favorite brand of Eggnog at Christmas time. He remembered me because I killed his turtle.

One day in science he got out his turtles for us to play with while he left the room. The one I had suddenly took off running. (Yes, he was "running" -- for a turtle.) He fell off the desk and I panicked. Because I couldn't get him to come back out of his shell, I decided to drop him back in his aquarium to see if the water would "wake him up."

Well, apparently the water didn't wake him up, but rather made him drown. Ooops!

Mr. Spring wasn't too happy with me for a couple of days.

So, hopefully Mr. Spring will still let Tyler play with the turtles. And hopefully Tyler will learn an important lesson from his mom -- don't drop a traumatized turtle into an aquarium of water.


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