Delivering Babies
I was laying on the living room floor, having a chat with my four year old. "So what do you want to be when you grow up?" I asked him. I named off a few careers and waited for his response. "A doctor," Caleb replied. "What kind of doctor?" I asked. "Do you want to be one that checks kids, or one that delivers babies, or one that takes out tonsils, or one that checks eyes?" "The one that delivers babies," he answered. "That would be fun wouldn't it?" I asked. "Yeah, I will deliver the babies to the places they need to go. And I will give them all away, except I will keep the ones that look like me," Caleb stated. Hmmm... I think the word "deliver" had been misinterpreted. Once I started explaining what real OB's do, Caleb didn't seem very interested anymore. Maybe he'll "deliver" milk instead.